You Match
What You Catch

EMLT+AI is developed with the aim of tackling the recurring problem of "education-job" incompatibility especially for young people.

The project will use artificial intelligence (AI) in analyzing and assessing optimal career choice for pupils, students, and graduates, who are at the verge of making career decisions, and connecting them with mentors that best fit their attributes to provide career choice decision support and mentorship leading to better career decision making process.


The process flow of the proposed AI system to be adopted during this project.

Data Collection

Collecting data that can reflect career orientation for students, graduates and professionals by usi

AI Matching

Determine the best career options for users using data on theirs skills, experiences, education and

Career Mentorship

Matching users with mentors who can help them through their career journey and training them online.

Project Team

Meet the EMLT+AI project team.

Anadolu University

Nilgün Çağlarırmak Uslu
Nilgün Çağlarırmak Uslu

Project Manager

İbrahim Tuğrul Çınar
İbrahim Tuğrul Çınar

Project Manager Assistant

Eftade Emine Gaga
Eftade Emine Gaga

Researcher (Research Team)

Caner Özdemir
Caner Özdemir

Researcher (Research Team)

Pınar Karahan Dursun
Pınar Karahan Dursun

Researcher (Research Team)

Nasır Alakbarlı
Nasır Alakbarlı

Researcher (Research Team)

Figen Ünal Çolak
Figen Ünal Çolak

Researcher (Dissemination Team)

Serap Şişman Uğur
Serap Şişman Uğur

Researcher (Dissemination Team)

Tugay Yılmaz
Tugay Yılmaz

Researcher (Dissemination Team)

Özer Çelik
Özer Çelik

Emltai Team (Team Leader)

Merve Kurtuldu
Merve Kurtuldu

Emltai Team (Designer)

Melih Erünal
Melih Erünal

Emltai Team (Frontend Developer)

Doğan Aktar
Doğan Aktar

Emltai Team (AI Developer)

Tugay Yaşa
Tugay Yaşa

Emltai Team (Backend Developer)

Selin Ögel Aydın
Selin Ögel Aydın

Project Manager Assistant

Eskisehir Chamber of Industry

İsmail Öztürk
İsmail Öztürk

Deputy Secretary General

European Mentoring & Coaching Council

Demet Uyar
Demet Uyar

Founder of Navitas, Executive & Team Coach, Author, Trainer, Consultant

Murat Arslan
Murat Arslan

Founder of RECTRA, Executive Coach, Author, Trainer, Consultant


Homero Cardoso
Homero Cardoso

Incubation and Innovation Project Manager

Ines Margarido
Ines Margarido

Communication Officer

Eduardo Costa
Eduardo Costa

Employment Access Office

Elisabete Ferreira
Elisabete Ferreira

Training and Entrepreneurship

University of Extremadura

Ramon Sanguino Galvan
Ramon Sanguino Galvan

Head of The Department of Business Administration and Sociology

Óscar R. González-López
Óscar R. González-López

Associate Professor of Marketing, Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences, University of Extremad

University To Career

Halil Atak

Halil Atak

Dissemination Team (Team Leader)

Burkay Gökhan Avğın

Burkay Gökhan Avğın

Dissemination Team (Team Member)

Elif Varan

Elif Varan

Dissemination Team (Team Member)

Ela Ünler

Ela Ünler

Dissemination Team (Team Member)

Dilek Solcun

Dilek Solcun

E-Learning Team (Team Leader)

Yusuf Misirli

Yusuf Misirli

E-Learning Team (Team Member)

Nazlı Gürpınar

Nazlı Gürpınar

E-Learning Team (Team Member)

Burcu Baycan

Burcu Baycan

E-Learning Team (Team Member)

Cansu Mat

Cansu Mat

E-Learning Team (Team Member)

Sümeyye Karakoç

Sümeyye Karakoç

E-Learning Team (Team Member)

Nefise Ece Akdeniz

Nefise Ece Akdeniz

Research Team (Team Member)

Mustafa Deniz Kantar

Mustafa Deniz Kantar

Research Team (Team Member)

Murat Ürüm

Murat Ürüm

Mentorship Team (Team Leader)

Betül Urut Yılmaz

Betül Urut Yılmaz

Mentorship Team (Team Member)

Sevgi Tanboğa

Sevgi Tanboğa

Mentorship Team (Team Member)

Özlem Aşkın Sakarya

Özlem Aşkın Sakarya

AI Team (Team Leader)

Uğur Öncü

Uğur Öncü

AI Team (Team Member)

Beyza Kaygısız

Beyza Kaygısız

AI Team (Team Member)

Özlem Dörtkardeşler

Özlem Dörtkardeşler

AI Team (Team Member)


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AI at Extremadura

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Sway As A Tool for The Dissemination of A Project

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Ethics Guidance for Providers of Coaching, Mentoring and Supervision Using Technology and AI

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Changing Competencies in Work Life: Expectations?
The Inaugural Meeting of The Emlt+Ai Project

Release Date: 13 March 2024

Changing Competencies in Work Life: Expectations?
Changing Competencies in Work Life: Expectations?

Release Date: 04 April 2023



The closing meeting of the project ‘Solution Proposal for Education-Job Mismatch Within European Region by Using Artificial Intelligence Algorithms: EMLT+AI’ project's closing meeting was held. Within the scope of the project, an artificial intelligence-based digital product was developed to help educated young people to be employed in their fields and to discover their potential. Academicians from different countries attended the closing meeting held at Anadolu University Student Centre Yunus Emre Hall. Prof. Dr. Ramón Sanguino Galván, Dr. Ascensión Barroso Martínez and Prof. Dr. María Isabel Sánchez from the Department of Business Management and Sociology of Extremadura University attended the meeting. Prof. Dr. María Isabel Sánchez Hernández, Homero Cardosso representing Tagusvaley Technopark from Portugal, Eskişehir Chamber of Industry, Demet Uyar and Murat Arslan representing Turkish Mentoring and Coaching Association (EMCC), Prof. Dr. Eftade Emine Gaga and Halil Atak representing University to Career (U2C). Eskişehir Chamber of Commerce also took part in the meeting as a project participant. The AI configuration of the system developed within the scope of the project, mentor-mentee matches, e-learning contents and company matching algorithms were carried out by Eskişehir Osmangazi University Computer-Mathematics Department faculty member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özer Çelik and his team. Prof. Dr. Çağlarırmak Uslu: ‘We will include young people in the system and bring them together with professionals’ Providing information about the EMLT+AI project, Anadolu University Faculty of Economics faculty member and project coordinator Prof. Dr. Nilgün Çağlarırmak Uslu explained the main objectives of the project in the following words: ‘Our project aims to support the employment of young people, to ensure that they gain early awareness in their career journeys and to meet 21st century skills early. With an artificial intelligence-based interface, we enable them to blend their academic knowledge with sectoral experiences. EMLT+AI is an international strategic partnership and innovation project coordinated by Anadolu University. Our project partners include Tagusvaley from Portugal, Extremadura University from Spain, Eskişehir Chamber of Industry, EMCC and U2C associations. By including young people in the system, we aim to bring them together with professionals who are experts in their fields and to provide guidance on which areas they can be employed with AI-supported CV analyses.’ Prof. Dr. Uslu stated that the system offers students the opportunity to meet one-to-one with mentors, and emphasised that these meetings are organised by the system and that young people can receive appropriate training by matching with the trainings within the system. In addition, he stated that one of the important outputs of the project is that young people have an internationally valid, digital and mobilised CV. The project is not limited to young people, anyone who wants to improve themselves can participate Stating that Anadolu University's experience in distance education is used effectively within the scope of the project, Prof. Dr. Nilgün Çağlarırmak Uslu emphasised that not only students but also anyone who wants to improve themselves can participate in the project and added the following: ‘Within the scope of our project, we have the opportunity to bring young people together with many companies through internships and events. Mentor and mentee interviews are conducted online via Google Meet. When these meetings are completed successfully, both the mentor and the mentee receive an internationally coded certificate. Participants can add this certificate to their CVs if they wish.’ Stating that the interface design of the system has been completed, Prof. Dr. Uslu said that they are now in the process of including young people in the system. In this context, he announced that a promotional event for international students will be held on Friday, 21 February in cooperation with the International Relations Unit. Within the scope of the closing meeting, project manager Prof. Dr. Nilgün Çağlarırmak Uslu brought together experts in their fields with the participants and gave information about the processes of the project. Those who want to get more information about the project and benefit from the system can access
February 27, 2025 11:30
A system called ‘EMLT+AI’ was developed within the framework of the project supported by the European Union-Turkey National Agency, carried out in partnership with Eskişehir Chamber of Industry (ESO) and coordinated by Anadolu University. The introductory meeting of the EMLT + AI project, which is a digital product related to ‘Solution Proposal for Education-Work Mismatch Using Artificial Intelligence Algorithms’, was hosted by ESO. At the meeting organised with the participation of ESO Member companies and human resources managers; The usability of the EMLT + AI system by companies, its contribution to young people who are looking for a job and want to improve themselves in their career processes was discussed. It was stated that the project interface will provide young people with an interactive artificial intelligence-based interface where they can analyse their own CVs and receive reference information about their career processes. In addition, it was explained that a mentor network consisting of real people who can make mentor interviews and e-learning content on new century competences are offered. Companies can find the most compatible candidates with the job advertisements they open in the system. The artificial intelligence algorithm in the project matches the companies in the system with the open job vacancies of young people who have received training from the EMLT+AI system and provided mentoring interviews. The system contributes to young people to meet with jobs that are compatible with their fields of education and match their talents and skills. In addition, companies that register to the system can reach the most suitable candidates for their job adverts.
January 29, 2025 06:07
The 2nd International meeting was held in Spain within the scope of EMLT+ AI Strategic Partnership in the Youth Field Erasmus+ Project The 2nd International meeting of the project, which was supported by the European Union National Agency of Turkey and carried out by Anadolu University Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Nilgün Çağlarırmak Uslu and international stakeholders, in which a digital product was developed with artificial intelligence algorithms for educated young people to be employed in their fields and for young people to discover their potential, was held in Spain. At the meeting held at Extremadura University, under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Ramón Sanguino Galván, Prof. Dr. Ascensión Barroso Martínez and Prof. Dr. María Isabel Sánchez Hernández, Prof. Dr. Ramón Sanguino Galván, Prof. Dr. Ascensión Barroso Martínez and Prof. Dr. María Isabel Sánchez Hernández, an innovative starting point in education was created with the EMTL + AI Project. Funded by the European Union and supported by the Turkish National Agency of the European Union, the main objective of the project was to close the gap between the knowledge gained through education and the skills required by the labour market between Spain, Portugal and Turkey. In addition, the developed interface offers young people the chance to meet with mentors who are competent in their fields, to benefit free of charge from training content prepared according to new century skills and competencies, and also to analyse their CVs through artificial intelligence. The theories involving artificial intelligence and big language models are behind the system, which allows the user to discover their personal skills and abilities on the developed interface. Prof. Dr. Çağlarırmak Uslu: ‘It is very exciting for us to implement a project carried out under the leadership and coordination of Anadolu University’ Giving information about the project and its process, Prof. Dr Nilgün Çağlarırmak Uslu said: ‘Our project is a strategic partnership project in which innovations in the field of youth are shared with our project partners funded by the European Union National Agency of Turkey. Other partners of the project include Portugal Technopark, University to Carrier U2C association dealing with the career processes of young people, Turkey Coaching and Mentoring Association (EMCC), Eskişehir Chamber of Industry. We will finalise this project, which we started in 2022, in February 2025. Our project was created with the aim of how we can make our young people more qualified in career-job matching by using artificial intelligence algorithms. Currently, every technical detail in your CV is matched with the mentor network included in the system and a profile is created. In this context, we expect everyone to benefit from the free and currently open system. It is very pleasing for us to realize a project carried out under the leadership and coordination of Anadolu University. In this context, nearly a thousand students not only from Anadolu University but also from other universities in Turkey and Europe have benefited from this system so far.’ First phase of EMTL+AI project completed! Extremadura University, in collaboration with Anadolu University, is leading the Erasmus+ EMTL+AI project, which aims to increase employment and optimise candidate selection, taking into account the specific requirements demanded by the private sector. In this context, Homero Cardoso, on behalf of Tagus Valley from Portugal as a technology partner, emphasised the importance of structuring the company profile. As one of the local partners of the project, Eskişehir Chamber of Industry plays a leading role in the process of structuring the company network of the project. During the project, young people will have the opportunity to improve their knowledge with an innovative artificial intelligence application. Thus, young people will not only stimulate job creation in the region, but also take an important step in the integration of advanced technologies into the field of education. At this stage, the participants were introduced to the concepts of artificial intelligence and raised awareness on the correct use of this technology in employment and labour market. They were also given access to the EMLT+AI tool, which offers online training, mentoring and the possibility to interact with a chatbot. Information and details about the project can be accessed at
January 29, 2025 05:52
As part of the EMLT+AI Project, we met up with young people at TEGV Izmir Gümüşpala Learning Unit. We shared info about the project's benefits and how young people can use the system. We'd like to say a big thank you to TEGV Izmir Gümüşpala Learning Unit for helping to make this event happen.
January 29, 2025 05:48
Career society May event: ‘Entrepreneurship as a career’ will be a pleasant conversation. ��You can log in at to participate in the event. Hope to see you on 24 May...
October 18, 2024 12:18
In this month's event, we will talk about ‘Career and Career Choice from the Private Sector Perspective’. We hope to see you at the event where very valuable speakers will be together...
October 18, 2024 12:18
As the EMLT+AI Project, we had the amazing opportunity to meet you in person at the Central Anatolia Career Fair (IKAF'24)! Hosted by Anadolu University under the coordination of the Presidential Human Resources Office (CBİKO), this is the largest fair in the Central Anatolia Region. It was truly an exciting experience to be a part of such a fantastic event! During our meeting, we discussed our progress so far and our plans for the future. We are thrilled to announce that the EMLT+AI system will be launched in June! Please continue to follow us for updates on future events.
October 18, 2024 12:18
We're thrilled to be here with the Career Community for our February event! This month, we're going to dive into the world of LinkedIn! This is an amazing platform that can help you on your way to finding your dream job. Let's dive in and learn how to create an amazing LinkedIn profile! What can we do better? We're going to have a great chat about it! We are thrilled to have Tugay Yılmaz, a recruitment consultant at Manpower Group, sharing his invaluable knowledge and experience on the subject with us! We really hope to see you there!
October 18, 2024 12:18
On Tuesday, 30 January 2024, at 12 noon, we have a very special event planned! At 11.00, we have the great pleasure of welcoming one of our most esteemed project partners, the Here Education Association (U2C), to discuss the incredible topic of 'Success through Social Impact'. This is an unmissable event where you will discover how social impact can contribute to your career journey. We are thrilled to announce that U2C Management Leader Halil Atak, Idea Mother Özlem Aşkın Sakarya and Communication Leader Sevgi Tanboğa will be participating! 🚀🏎🚀 Get ready for an amazing, inspiring conversation!
October 18, 2024 12:18
Unemployment as a Graduation Bonus? EMLT+AI: Artificial intelligence-based employment platform. We would like to see you at our meeting on Friday, December 1st at 16.00 to get to know this project that will contribute to the development of your career process✅ Ilker KayabasMurat ArslanBuket Kip KayabaşNilgün Çağlarırmak Uslu Tugay YılmazEMCC Türkiye For more details
October 18, 2024 12:18
16-18 November Emlt AI Project together with team members Nilgün Çağlarırmak Uslu, Eftade Gaga, Judita Kasperiuniene,@Caner Özdemir, @Pınar Karahan will be at the Turkish Economic Association Conference to present their work related to the project ✅
October 18, 2024 12:18
We will be on the Misafir Odası program on RadyoA about our project. April 27, at 13.00, we will be live on the 101.7 frequency and at
October 18, 2024 12:18
We're so excited to share these photos from our kick-off meeting! We had a great time together, and we were able to determine the roadmap for our project. At the meeting, we delved deeply into the scope and objectives of the project, and it was incredible to see the project team exchange information about the steps to be taken together throughout the process and the distribution of tasks. While we emphasised the importance of cooperation, we also created a common vision about our goals to produce innovative solutions. After our first kick-off meeting, we are even more motivated about the steps to be taken to make our project a success!
October 18, 2024 12:18